Asculta Cantecul

Gasiti cuvantul lipsaAlegetiTraducerea
___ top of spaghettiAboveOverOnPe gramada de spaghete
All covered with ___ cheerchoosecheeseAcoperita toata cu branza
___ lost my poor meatballMeMineIMi-am pierdut biata chifteluta
When somebody ___ snoozedsneezedsneakedCand cineva a stranutat
___ rolled from the tableItThatHeS-a rostogolit de pe masa
And onto ___ floorthesomeaSi a ajuns pe podea
And then ___ poor meatballmyselfmyISi apoi biata mea chifteluta
Rolled out through ___ doorunderontheS-a rostogolit pe usa
If ___ have spaghettiyoursyouryouDaca mananci spaghete
All ___ with cheesecoveredsunkenfloodedAcoperita cu branza
Hold on ___ your meatballstwotootoTine-ti chiftelutele
And don't ___ sneezeeverynevereverSi nu stranuta