Both, none, all

Both - amandoi, amandoua

Both runners finished the race - Amandoi alergatorii au terminat cursa
They were both exhausted - Erau amandoi epuizati

None - niciunul, niciuna
Este echivalentul lui neither cand se refera la mai mult de doua substantive
Cand se refera la mai mult de doua substantive nu poate fi folosit in combinatia nici...nici

None of my friends called - Nici unul dintre prietenii mei nu a sunat.

All - tot, toata, toti, toate, tuturor
all the time sau always inseamna totdeauna

All this land is the farmer's - Tot acest pamant este al fermierului.
A nation that provides liberty and justice for all - O tara care ofera libertate si dreptate pentru toti.
I told all, to leave. - Le-am spus la toti (tuturor) sa plece.
All is well that ends well - Totu-i bine cand se termina cu bine (Shaskespeare)
All gave some, some gave all - Toti au dat ceva, unii au dat tot (despre soldatii care mor in razboi)
You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time. - Poti sa-i pacalesti pe toti oameni cateodata, poti chiar sa-i pacalesti pe unii oamenii totdeauna, dar nu poti sa-i pacalesti pe toti oamenii totdeauna. - Abraham Lincoln

some of the people = some people
some of the time = sometimes
all of the people = all the people